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ICE KIT - Valgeir Snær Ísleifsson Waage

Created by Soundwaves founder and C.E.O, Valgeir Snær, we present to you Ice Kit. A brand new sample pack for you. The pack is considered Hip Hop and RndB but it's diversity makes it very much fiting for almost any genre. Valgeir undentable musical talent has given us a top of the grade soundpack. The quality of the sounds are amazing and the midi and melodie files are out of this world.


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Lokaverkefni vorið 2020

Rafræn sýning á lokaverkefnum af Hönnunar- og markaðsbraut, Fatahönnun, Myndlistarsviði og Leiklistasviði í FG vorönn 2020.

Fjölbrautaskólinn í Garðabæ

Skólabraut 6

210 Garðabæ

Sími: 5201600



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